Friday, February 24, 2012

In an attempt to better understand the impact

Acne (acne very bad!) On the back, shoulders and chest >> << increase the likelihood of damage to tendons, ligaments and muscles

Jaundice, shivering, pain in joints

Male body hair (eg beard)

Roid rage, increased aggression, anger and hostility that can go in violence

Prolonged use of anabolic steroids appears to weaken, and it is not clear If this weakening is reversible, the researchers said. In a small but alarming new study, the average age

elevators that took steroids for about ten years showed evidence of violation of the pump function of the heart, not seen in weight lifters who did not take steroids. This finding suggests that anabolic steroids for many years weaker heart than was previously recognized, says cardiologist and study investigator Aaron L. Baggish, MD, of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. It also can have serious consequences for public health as well as the use of steroids to enhance athletic performance is no longer the exclusive domain of a small group of athletes. Steroids use is now common in combat sports such as boxing and mixed martial arts, in addition to Baggish says. Anabolic steroids are synthetic that mimic the natural male sex hormone testosterone, which builds muscle. Steroids among the general public were not really matter to the end of 1980 or even in the middle of the 1990s, Baggish said WebMD. Even now, when we hear about steroids it as a professional baseball player or cyclist took them. But the vast majority of steroid that is happening among casual athletes who work 9 to 5 jobs. In an attempt to better understand the impact of long-term use of anabolic steroids on the heart, Baggish and colleagues conducted a test function of the heart for 12 weightlifters who took steroids and family who do not take drugs. The average age of study participants was 40, and took steroids drug an average of nine years. These two groups were similar regarding the length of weightlifting, general >> << level and weight, but steroids have more muscle mass than nepolzovateley. Doppler echocardiography was used to study blood flow in the heart. In most steroids, the main pumping chamber of the heart known as the left ventricle showed evidence of weakness during compression. Healthy left ventricle pumps 55% to 70% of blood that fills the heart. This dimension is called the ejection fraction. Ten of the 12 steroids were ejection fraction less than 55%, which was associated with an increased risk

and sudden cardiac arrest. Only one of the seven heavyweights with no experience of steroid use was low ejection fraction. Steroids also showed evidence of diastolic impairment, which is the ability of the left ventricle to relax and fill with blood after contraction. Left ventricular relaxation was cut nearly in half among steroids compared with nepolzovateley. The results were published in the latest (4/2010) Pissue American Heart Association journal addresses: P heart failure. It was originally conceived as an experimental study, but the results were so impressive, the researchers decided it had to be published. Athletes who use anabolic steroids can seriously damage the kidneys, according to new findings presented at the American Society Nephrologys renal conference week (3/2010). Athletes who use anabolic steroids, and doctors take care of them should be aware of potentially serious threat to the kidneys, said lead researcher Leal Herlitz, MD, assistant professor of pathology at Columbia University Medical Center in New York. Reports of professional athletes who abuse anabolic steroids are more common. P Most people know that using steroids is not good for their health, but until now their effect on the lasix purchase kidney was not known. Dr. Herlitz and her colleagues recently conducted the first study to describe kidney damage after long-term abuse of anabolic steroids. They studied a group of 10 bodybuilders (six white and four people from Latin America), who used steroids for years and experienced proteinuria and severe reduction in kidney function. Men were seen between 1999 and 2009 and was very muscular physique. All were long-term anabolic androgenic steroid addicts were proteinuria 1g/day or more, and the diagnosis of renal biopsy focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSHS). The average BMI was 34. 7 kg / m

(range: 27-43). Since men are presented with proteinuria (an average of 10 1 g / day, from March 1 - 26 3 g / day ...) and renal insufficiency (mean serum creatinine 3 0 mg / l, range: 1 3 - 7 8 ... mg / dl). P Five people submitted complete renal syndrome. It is well known that FSHS usually occurs when the kidneys are overloaded. Kidney was observed in this group of bodybuilders was the similarity that was observed in obese patients, but was even more serious. P renal biopsy showed FSHS in nine patients, four of nine patients also glomerulomegaly. One patient was glomerulomegaly alone. Three biopsy showed FSHS defeated and destroyed four perihilar lesions. Seven of the 10 men were tubular atrophy 40% or more, and interstitial fibrosis. It is important to recognize that all people in this series have been long-term addicts, from eight to 20 years of use, explains Dr. Herlitz, who presented the results of the 2009 Renal Week conference here. Thus, it is unlikely that anyone who uses a few months will be significantly affected. I really have no reason to assess the prevalence of this problem and Im hoping that this study will draw attention to the problem so that people will know about the essence and we can begin to better understand who is affected and why. The following data were available for eight of 10 patients. The average observation period was 2. 2 years old. One patient rapidly progressed to end-stage renal failure (CRF) and seven patients receiving renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blockade. One of these seven also received therapy with corticosteroids. All seven patients treated with RAS blockade discontinued anabolic androgenic steroids and exercise schemes have reduced. They also lost weight and had stabilization or improvement in serum creatinine and proteinuria reduction. Although bodybuilders to stop using steroids experienced improvement of their renal anomalies, a man with progressive kidney disease progressed to the kb and required dialysis. One subject started taking steroids again and suffered a relapse, the development of progressive proteinuria and renal insufficiency. Compared with historical controls that related to obesity hlomerulopatyya, FSHS these bodybuilders was more severe disease with high creatinine and proteinuria levels of representation. These patients also tended to more glomerular and tubulointerstitsialnyy scarring. The researchers suggested that the extreme increase in muscle mass requires a kidney to increase the filtration rate, placing a dangerous level of stress on the kidneys. As in patients with obesity, increased load on the kidneys with increased body mass leads to hyperfiltration injury, Dr. Herlitz explain. It is likely also that steroids have direct toxic effects on the kidneys. Numerous animal models have shown adverse effects of androgens on the kidney and we believe that anabolic steroids themselves can be directly nephrotoxic, she said. .

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