Friday, February 24, 2012

The remaining 6 percent of osteonecrosis ...

Medical researchers havent investigated the extent to which taking bisphosphonates causes of osteonecrosis of the jaw, but they agree this is probably negligible. In fact, 94 percent of those with osteonecrosis of the jaw cancer and also receive or have received regular high doses of bisphosphonates intravenously. The remaining 6 percent, necrosis of the jaw took oral bisphosphonates. Patients who take bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis are encouraged to talk to lasix 50 mg your dentist, so their doctor can show them good oral hygiene and care of their oral health, says Matthew Messina, a dentist Ohio, which the American Dental Association Consumer Advisor. Patients should not stop taking their osteoporosis medications without speaking with their doctors.foods that strengthen the immune system In fact, according to the American Dental Association, osteoporosis medications have far more advantages than the tiny risks associated with the development of necrosis of the jaw. The purpose of bisphosphonates is to build bone mass to prevent fractures in those who suffer from osteoporosis, which causes 2 million fractures a year, according to the National Endowment for osteoporosis. It is assumed that 50 percent of women and 20 percent of men over age 50 will suffer osteoporosis caused destruction. The most common drugs are bisphosphonates alendronate (fosamaks) ibandronat (Boniva), risedonate (Actone) and zoledronovoyi acid (Reclast). .

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